A Spicy Message For Anyone Who Builds the Empire While Someone Else Sits on the Throne
(that may get me cancelled)
One of Ben Settle’s recent emails talked about the ongoing feud over the Rocky franchise.
I didn’t know anything about it 🤷, so here’s the cliff notes:
Stallone was the brains behind the entire Rocky story. The producers took a ton of personal and professional risk making the movie and they have ownership rights to everything.
Now, those rights are being handed down to the producers’ kids and Stallone is pissed because not only did he come up with the entire thing but he IS Rocky and his family isn’t making out quite as well as those producers.
Uhm, wait a second. Side bar. Am I the Stallone of business systems?
The IP obviously belongs to my client but I help them get unstuck from the day-to-day that’s holding them back, I give them the strategies they need to make bank in their business and often even execute plans for them.
They make a bazillion dollars (*rounded to the nearest bazillion) and I make … less.
It makes me wonder how many service based businesses (like you!) feel a little short changed like Stallone. Not only are we doing the work that gives our clients success, but there is a glass ceiling because we ARE the business.
The solution is easy enough. Easy, not simple.
As long as you’re working one-to-one, you’re going to smash your face on that ceiling over and over again. It’s time to do better.
That got me thinking about something else:
I had a nasty habit of buying a ton of courses and coaching time because I was sure I was missing out on the “golden nugget” I needed to succeed.
It took me over a decade to realize that the act of DOING something (almost anything really) was way more profitable than chasing the next shiny thing some fucking guru told me I needed.
I bet if I gave you $1000 right now to tell me ONE idea you could offer that wasn’t going to suck the time and life out of you by working with one single client for an hourly rate you could give me something.
I’ll be honest, this is not for 99% of you because it actually means taking control of your business and life and doing the stuff that you keep putting off for whatever reason.
Most never do anything with it because the cold hard truth is that you say you want to succeed in business and will do whatever it takes, but in reality, you’re not willing to spend 15 minutes a week reflecting and planning let alone doing.
So if you’re part of that 99%, you can close the email now. You won’t get anything else from this and I don’t want the bad review. There’s nothing wrong with where you’re at, you’re just not ready for that next step and that’s OK. I’ll see you next week.
For the remaining 1%, my goal with this is to give super talented but exhausted entrepreneurs a way to cut through the noise, focus on what really creates revenue in their business and just get it done.
Business Beacon
Accountability, but for grownups.
If you’re on the fence (although at $9 a month, I’m not sure how), that’s OK. There’s no fake scarcity here. Come in when you’re ready, leave when you want.
You have clients and work that’s paying the bills and there ain’t nothing wrong with that. We’ll be here when your client sends you another Christmas card from the beach.