1:1 coaching for digital entrepreneurs

(2 spots available)

It’s a full time job to keep your business moving in the right direction. It’s tough to know where to start or what to do. That’s where personalized support comes in. Navigating current challenges to pave the way for more clients, a thriving income and the easy, joy and flexibility you envisioned when you decided to become an at-home CEO.


  • I’m committed to going the extra mile to assist you in reaching your goals and desired outcomes. Together, we’ll pinpoint solutions and explore suggestions, drawing from my personal experience, training, and the information at hand. I’m here to offer guidance and options to help you succeed.

  • It’s important to give the terms a look-over and I know you’re going to do that.  Plus, you’re cool with the fact that not reading won’t fly as an excuse if any issues pop up.

  • It’s on you to drive your own success during our coaching sessions.  Because coaching outcomes can vary, you understand there’s no guarantee of specific results but I promise to give you everything I have. Like any business venture, there’s a risk, and hitting your goals isn’t guaranteed through coaching alone.



TERMS: Coaching isn’t a quick-fix solution, so although it’s not mandatory, I suggest all new clients consider a 3-month coaching commitment. I’m such a believer in it there’s even a discount if you decide to go for it.

SCHEDULING: We’ll plan out all coaching sessions in advance.

FREE VOXER ACCESS: I’m around Monday to Friday, regular business hours (EST, excluding Canadian Holidays) on Voxer. Feel free to reach out for quick chats between sessions without any extra cost—whether it’s for addressing concerns, celebrating wins, or just keeping each other in the loop!

FEES: Monthly private coaching includes four weekly 45-minute calls, and you’ve got two payment options:

  1. A one-time payment of $2700 for three months of private coaching.
  2. $1000 per month.


REFUNDS: Once you’ve sent in your coaching payment, it’s non-refundable—no two ways about it.  If you play by the rescheduling rulebook, you can shift those fees to later sessions. If, by some chance, there’s a refund on the horizon, know that it’s entirely at my discretion.

RESCHEDULING: Once you’ve set your session, sticking to it is appreciated. If you have to shuffle things around, shoot an email over to with at least 24 hours heads-up. Cancelling with less than 24 hours notice or not showing up for your session will forfeit your payment for the session and rescheduling won’t be an option.

Please do your best to arrive on time. I’ll hang tight for 5 minutes after our scheduled time, but after that, I’ll consider it a no-show. If you roll in late, no worries, but we won’t be tacking on extra time to the end of the session.

Emergencies within the 24-hour reschedule policy timeline are an exception, but it’s crucial not to cancel a coaching session simply because you didn’t do your homework. High performers uphold the commitments they make to themselves.


While I do my best to represent coaching sessions and their potential accurately, there’s no guarantee (express or implied) that you’ll make money using the techniques and ideas discussed. Any examples I share are not promises or guarantees of earnings. Your success hinges on you—your ideas, execution, and techniques. The time you invest, your financial situation, knowledge, and skills all play a role in determining your results. Since everyone’s circumstances are different, I can’t assure your success or income level, and I’m not accountable for your actions.


I’m all in to ensure you have a positive coaching experience. When you purchase coaching sessions, you acknowledge that, at my discretion, I reserve the right to end this agreement without a refund or waiving any outstanding payments if things get disruptive, and it becomes challenging to collaborate or if there’s a violation of any terms in our contract.


Personal or business information that we may discuss during your sessions will be treated as confidential. It will not be disclosed to a third party without your green light, except where the law requires otherwise.



I’m not clocking in as your employee, agent, lawyer, manager, therapist, financial wizard, or any other title with a fancy ring to it. I’m here to dish out my personal and professional opinions. Finding you a job, sealing the deal on sales, crunching numbers for taxes? Not my gig. Publicity, media exposure, or an intro to my contacts? Nope, not on the guaranteed menu. Once our coaching agreement wraps up, so does our official business relationship – but let’s stay friends anyway.



When you finalize payment through one of the options below, you’re telling me you’ve gone through every bit of this page and are totally on board with the terms and conditions.  Coaching session payments renew automatically but you can cancel at any time.  Just so you know, your PayPal and/or credit card statements will display “Monday Morning VA” for your receipts.  


Don’t mind me. Just out here making a difference in people’s lives.


I had been second guessing myself for so long, I was super excited to hear all of your ideas.  I've felt like I was on the precipice of something big. But my head remained so foggy and unclear. I had no idea how it was supposed to get done; no plan. So I knew when I was led to your page I hoped there was something to it. I had been concentrating on trying to manifest some sort of clarity on my options. The INCITE call seemed to be a sign, and I acted quickly. I have been trying for so long to find someone who could help me get a plan together.  I just wanted to let you know that while I am petrified, I am very happy. Everything you talked about are things I feel comfortable with. I can dance and it can still be a pleasure. I can help people without feeling stressed or burdened. I can scale in ways and paths I want to grow in. It all feels very authentic and me.  Thank you so much! You're more helpful than you could know. 🙂 -Meagan Ponce, DancyTude


You really gave me so much new (and renewed) excitement and motivation. You were outrageously prepared and excited for our call, and that enthusiasm was catching. Like a fiery case of the energy flu. Not only that, you gave me new ideas that weren't only stellar in their own right, but that left room for me to grow them in new ways on my own.  -Leslie, Crunchy Betty

Dawn’s Brand Yourself Strategy Session is the most comprehensive, personalized & action-oriented map to changing and creating growth in my business that I have ever experienced. After implementing just a few of her action-items, I have already seen curiosity and interaction in my business soar. She analyzed my business and gave direction as if she were my heart-centered CEO. -Audrey McLaughlin,

I needed savvy business support, and knowing you had worked with Danielle LaPorte in the past, I figured you had what it took.  Dawn is reliable, has a high level of integrity and is incredibly personable.  It was a fabulous investment!  -Melissa D'Antoni, Fire Tree Studios

Confession: until (very) recently, I know absolutely zilch about affiliate marketing. So when a brand-new client asked me to ramp up her affiliate program, I turned to Dawn. Within an hour, she had meticulously (and patiently) walked me through the entire process. I’d recommend Dawn’s training services to anyone who enjoys feeling like a pro, instead of a dolt.  -Alexandra Franzen,

Dawn came highly recommended and when I looked at her website, I was confident that she was up to the challenge. I love working with her! I feel completely at ease knowing that she is supporting me + my biz. She comes up with great ideas to improve efficiency or flow that I didn't even know about.  She is essentially my right hand + my left brain! I am so grateful to have her as my project manager.  -Hibiscus Moon, Hibiscus Moon Crystal Academy

Dawn’s professionalism is outstanding. Not only did she complete the tasks amazingly quick but she also provided some helpful suggestions that really turned my marketing strategy around. I can’t thank her enough for all of her help. -Alan Bondy

Fantastic. Read it. Learn it. Do it. -Kim McMullenFlipside Creative

I am still so super jazzed from our call.  You are so kind and clever and lovely to talk to. It is all so exciting and accessible now.  I swear, Dawn can find gold and good ideas in anything. You think it isn’t going to work and don’t know where to begin – speak to her and suddenly things become clear and you have a right hand to get you through and guide you, turning the ideas into being.  -Grace Quantock,

We have many local VA's here but gotta tell you that you by far have impressed me and the ladies love you, your website (it rocks!!!) and apparently your twitter feed also.  -Säbeen Haque, Ladies Who Launch Toronto

The little things I needed to do to grow my business were adding up.  I've stopped ignoring all the little tasks and instead just forward them to Dawn. It leaves me so much more time to create. She's incredibly reliable and incredibly fast - she completes things in a faction of the time it would take me. I trust her completely to communicate with my clients.  -Kacy Paide, The Inspired Office

Working with Dawn has been incredible. She's on top of things, and keeps everyone else on top of things too. Have a question about a task within the project? She absolutely has it documented in just the spot you need it. When projects get complex and there are moving pieces everywhere, Dawn keeps things easy for everyone by keeping everything organized and on time. I've had the chance to work with her on numerous projects and she keeps them all moving in a steady direction. She's personable, knowledgeable, and fantastic to work with. Brainstorming with her about business strategy has also been great. I would absolutely recommend working with her. - John Andersen

It seems that the only way to get things done in my fast-paced, content driven business, is to duplicate myself. I am in constant need of help. The problem is that I have had trouble finding the right fit. It seems that while most people want a job, few want to work. After just one meeting with Dawn I was blown away. She took the time to listen as I told her about my business. She asked all the right questions. She is genuinely interested in what I am doing and where I am headed. Since that time she has been an integral part of my business. She has been helping me solve problems and has been helping me to connect with valuable resources. - Dr. Russ L'HommeDieu, DPT

As you were doing the session, I could almost quite literally feel my mind opening to other possibilities within my business and my path. - Kimberly Sneeringer, Reiki Client


I loved my business Reiki session! I wanted to manifest more money in my business and a perfect coaching program with my dream coach. I landed a brand new client and my coach offered me a great program with payment plans I can actually afford the very same day! It was practically magical. I developed inspiration, insight and the courage to follow through resulting in a successful e-course and new clients, thank you, Dawn! - Kelly St. Claire

I felt a tingling sensation especially in my head & shoulders area - and a heavy feeling as if a weight was being pressed down on my chest and pinning my shoulders - but then it passed.   I also seemed to sense an intense white light at times. I'm still digesting what you wrote - though I can tell you that everything in your report is very accurate. - Beverly


Dawn quickly showed me the mistakes I was making on social media that were holding me back from getting the results I wanted. As soon as I made the changes she suggested, my engagement on Facebook shot up and I even got a call from someone who wanted to join my team! -Yusufali Jaffer

“(when I signed up for this workshop) I thought I’d get general information with a lot of charts. I realized that by creating a ‘fictional’ character in my head, I would hear what they have to say to me. Who knew target marketing could be so fun!” Kathleen Yetman, Target Market Workshop Participant

“I loved the workshop. It really opened my eyes.” Carol Gomez, Target Market Workshop Participant

“The presentation was very helpful in determining my target market. This is an area in which I was having difficulty and I got a lot of really great ideas from you”. -Target Market Workshop Participant

“This workshop gave great ideas and really shifted my thinking. Using these tips, I’ll be better able to market my business to my clients. Thank you very much!” Derek Friesen, Target Market Workshop Participant