Today’s live stream I answered your question: What Is a Lead Magnet?
Not only that, I gave you some tips on how to figure out what to offer so you can add targeted readers to your list. I also gave you some ideas on how to promote your lead magnet once it’s complete.
There’s a few things that I mentioned in the video including my Create Alluring Lead Magnets content upgrade that I put together for my readers a few months ago. It’s the perfect tool to have in your arsenal if you want to build that email list.
You’ll also find a handful of different ideas of what I use as lead magnets and content upgrades over to The Entrepreneurs Vault.
The ones that I mentioned were the most popular:
- Create Alluring Lead Magnets – perfect for people who want to make a good first impression on their new subscribers so they can build trust
- Compelling Copy Workbook so you can easily increase open rates and convert more readers into buyers
- My personal case study – giving you the inspiration you need to get startedht on your own business
Watch the video to hear my hint on how to figure out the lead magnet even if you don’t have anything (or much) to sell right now.
If you’d rather, click here to watch it on Facebook.
The first few seconds were a little choppy because of the weak connection, but it was smooth sailing after that.
What the hell are Lead Magnets?
The December Live Stream Series
Do you want to check out all the live videos I’ve been doing this month? I’m there every week day answering the questions that you guys have been asking me the most.
Join me live each morning to ask your questions, or pop a post on my Facebook page if there’s something you’ve been hoping I’d cover.
Time Management for Entrepreneurs
The Reasons Your Target Marketing isn’t Working
How to Get People to Interact With You And Your Business
Not Everyone Is Cut Out To Be a Virtual Assistant (and a sneak peek at how I started)
How To Find Ideas To Write About (even if you don’t have a website yet)